Is hypnotherapy the solution for anxiety and stress?

So many of the clients I see come to me after having tried almost everything to resolve their anxiety and stress. Medication, various talk therapies such as Psychoanalysis, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Neurofeedback and even shamanic practices. While some of these work to varying degrees, they are often predicated on a misunderstanding how the Mind-Body system works and sometimes even make […]

Why would I try hypnotherapy?

So perhaps you’ve been recommended CBT (Cognitive behavioural therapy) you have tried talk therapy or even another type of psychotherapy. It either hasn’t worked to resolve your problem or maybe it hasn’t completely done that. Perhaps it’s even made things worse. The truth is you’ve done everything you can consciously to fix this issue […]

Does hypnosis work?

One of the most common questions I get as a hypnotist is ¨does hypnosis work¨ ? The short answer is: yes. So when people ask me this, the person is asking if it’s ¨real¨ (as in does it actually exist). Also if it does, will it work for them? Before I unpack this question further […]

Mind control and hypnosis

One thing that stops many people from benefitting from the incredible power of hypnosis is the idea of it being used as “mind control”. Cue scary music. Let’s talk about myth of mind control. Often people have some false impressions about hypnosis being some form of mind control. The hysteria created by the George Du […]

FEAR, the other 4 letter word

You know what I mean. That feeling of tightness in the chest and stomach, your throat closing, your hands beginning to sweat and that unmistakable impulse to RUN AWAY. It is not a fun state to be in, but the truth is that without that very natural body response, you wouldn’t be here. This totally […]